Street Food Social in Vietnam - Seven Spiced Shark Steaks Recipe
Street Food Social in Vietnam - Seven Spiced Shark Steaks Recipe Shark Recipes - shark soup - shark pudding - sura puttu - fish pudding - fish soup. With Shark Week on the Discovery Channel being so popular here are the 7 most delicious shark recipes you can cook... just to get even to all the killer sharks out there. Cooking shark does not have to be a complicated affair– shark steak can be grilled on your bbq like many other cuts of meat. When cooking shark, it's important to remember that not all sharks taste the same. It's recommended that you start with mako shark– it's a very popular shark to eat and is often substituted for swordfish in recipes due to its similar texture. Black tip sharks are another popular species to eat. Black tip shark recipes are shared by fisherman who seek these types of sharks out for their delectable flavor. Follow us as we explore our way through the world, feasting on interesting sights and amazing food! Follow Facebook :
Street Food Social in Vietnam - Seven Spiced Shark Steaks Recipe
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